Seven LOL Community Moments

In anticipation of part II of Community‘s season finale / paintball extravaganza, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite Community moments to date. I limited myself to strictly comedic moments, or else this would have been solely Jeff & Annie moments (a few still slipped through). It’s refreshing to find a show that doesn’t revolve around the ships. As always, click through for video.

1. Annie chloroforms the janitor.

Troy: I don’t know what to do, my whole brain is crying!

2. Flashback montage

Britta: Are you sure you guys have the group’s best interest at heart? Feast your ears-tongues on these memories pops…

Annie: Those are just stories about us being cute.

3. Annie blows everything off

Jeff: Do me a favor and be very un-Annie and blow it off too.

Annie: Oh sure. I’ll just blow it off. I’ll just blow eeeeeverything off. Heck, I guess I’ll blow off walking. And now I’ll just blow off standing. Just blowing eeeeverything off. Maybe I’ll blow off talking language. Blee bloo blah blee boo bluh bluh.

4. The boys krump

Troy: We’re krumping.

Jeff: No you’re not.

5. The entire “Cooperative Calligraphy” episode (only Community can make an entire episode about a lost pen and still have me LOLing the entire time)

Jeff: Annie, relax.

Annie: No, you relax, Jeff. Or are you scared that if you do, MY PEN WILL FALL OUT?!

6. Pierce is psychic

Pierce: This investigation is going nowhere. You need a psychic.

7. Troy & Abed mocking others

Jeff: I can hear you through the window, morons.

Troy: Just pretend like you were sleeping…

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