REVIEW: Everless, Sara Holland (Jan. 2, 2018)

Welcome to 2018, friends! I have been so impressed by all the January 2 releases I’ve read so far and I’m pumped for this year in books. I hope it’s indicative of the quality of books for the entire year.

Do you need a good YA fantasy in your life that is completely original and will leave you wanting more? May I present to you, EVERLESS by Sara Holland.

The 411: Enter the Kingdom of Sempera, where time is earned and sold to the highest bidder. Punishment equals loss of time, leading to relatively short lifespans for the common folk and near immortality for the rich.

Our main gal, Jules, and her father were slaves for the wealthy Gerling family at their palace of Everless before they were convicted a crime they didn’t commit.

Fast-forward and Jules’ father is dying from having to give up so many time coins to pay for their expenses. In order to earn more time coins for her dying father, Jules returns to Everless to work as a servant. She reunites with childhood friend, Roan Gerling, and his brooding older bro.

Of course, more drama ensues. Family drama! Love drama! Political drama! It’s amazing.

*throws confetti* I loooooooooooved this!  I know I use the term “devoured” a lot when it comes to books, but it absolutely applies here. I FLEW through this.  It’s action-packed, the world is beautifully crafted, and Jules is a completely likable character.

And in a surprise twist, I’m completely on Team Enemies-to-Lovers rather than Team Friends-to-Lovers and I cannot wait for the sequel. I live for this kind of stuff.

Great start to the New Year, excellent read! And look at that B-E-A-UTIFUL cover!

MY RATING:  ✰✰✰✰1/2
RECOMMENDED FOR: lovers for YA fantasy
MAY I ALSO SUGGEST: The Cruel Prince, Red Queen series

EVERLESS is published by HarperTeen and is available now!

One thought on “REVIEW: Everless, Sara Holland (Jan. 2, 2018)

  1. Bron says:

    Aaaah this sounds great! I have it on my TBR (TBH mostly on account of the amazing cover!)
    Also, I love how you suggest similar reads in your review!

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