REVIEW: Let Me Lie, Clare Mackintosh (Mar. 13, 2018)

Firstly, I’m going to apologize for how vague this review is going to be. This is for two reasons. 1) I don’t want to give too much of the plot away, and 2) The very last line threw me for a complete loop and I need someone to talk me through it.

I’ve mentioned many times that while I love psychological thrillers with a passion, I am HORRIBLE at guessing twists. I am so easily impressed by mysteries and thrillers because I am consistently shocked. This book was no exception. I changed my mind about where the plot was going way too many times over the few days it took me to read LET ME LIE.

The 411: Anna Johnson is still reeling from the deaths of her parents the previous year, both from apparent suicide, months apart. She is now a mother herself, having gotten pregnant by the shrink hired to help her through this troubled time. Oops. Then on the one year anniversary of her mother’s suicide, she received a card in the mail that simply says, “Suicide? Think again.”

…and that’s all you’re gonna get, sorry.

So, clearly, Anna starts digging into the circumstances around both of her parents’ deaths and finds some stuff. You think the story is going in one direction and then swerves and then swerves again. And then you think’s it’s done and it swerves again.

While I did enjoy both of Mackintosh’s previous books, I LET YOU GO and I SEE YOU, I always felt kind of let down by the ending. I was completely invested and into the whole story until the reveal and they both fell flat for me. That was not the case with this book. I was constantly on edge, I actually got the shivers during part of it.

But, I will be honest here…I’m not completely positive that I understood the ending. I sat and stared at the last sentence for at least five minutes because I was trying to piece together what the hell actually happened. The way that I took it, I was pleased with the ending. However, if it’s a completely different ending than the one I’m picturing, my thoughts might possibly change.

Basically this is a plea to anyone who reads this book to please contact me because I NEED TO TALK THIS OUT.

MY RATING:  ✰✰✰✰
RECOMMENDED FOR: lovers of mystery/thrillers and unreliable narrators
MAY I ALSO SUGGEST: the works of Karin Slaughter and Ruth Ware

Thank you Berkley Publishing Group for my galley. LET ME LIE is available March 13.

11 thoughts on “REVIEW: Let Me Lie, Clare Mackintosh (Mar. 13, 2018)

    • Kate Krug says:

      I had to go back and reread immediately—but I took it as she actually did push her? What did you make of it?

    • Kate Krug says:

      I had to go back and reread immediately—but I took it as she actually did push her? What did you make of it?

  1. Aston says:

    I’m confused too! Do you think that the last twist has been put in for the sake of it, or whether it’s plausible that she could have been pushed?

    • Kate Krug says:

      I definitely think it was supposed to end with a cliffhanger, but I can’t wrap my head around the swerve!

  2. June Russell says:

    I am driving myself crazy with the ending. I’ve read and read it again. I can’t see how she was pushed. Help needed with this

  3. Jane says:

    Loved the book but the ending really confused me. Can someone explain how she could have been pushed?

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